Friday, June 22, 2012

Everything begins with a dream...

Hi everyone, Stefan here,
The story of The Three Feathers and Joshua Aylong's magnificent adventure is only a few weeks away from leaving its home inside this laptop; inside this safe haven of dim obscurity. The idea of a rooster searching for three feathers somewhere deep inside a mountain grew from a small seedling to something far beyond itself. During the process of writing it, I realized that I was on my own journey right along with Joshua. How it came about, the momentum it gained while it was written and where it lead me and the characters in the end, was simply astonishing. Several times throughout the process I felt very clearly that my conscious mind had absolutely nothing to do with it and that the story in itself was something that was there already, like a piece of history on a scroll that I just happened to find.  
I was deeply touched at times, moved at others, and couldn't help but weep profusely during the writing of the last 15 or so pages. In its simplest, the story is, I think, about our search for something more than what is in front of us every day; something beyond ourselves; something greater; something we cannot grasp. 
Everything begins with a dream. Everything. It might be a small one, it might be seemingly insignificant or it might seem outright crazy. But whatever it is, it sometimes propels us to go and search for it, even though we have no clue why and what it is we truly mean to find. We just have this sense that something is missing, that the picture is not complete. And on our way we find friends who are, in one way or another, with us on this journey. Without them it would be impossible for us to find what we are looking for. For there is danger on the road, there is despair and fear and a sense of futility that the quest might just be for naught in the end and that we but have set out on a senseless journey with no purpose. Who has not felt this at some point in their lives?
As Wind, one of the characters in the story, points out to Joshua: “You have begun this journey for yourself. But end it you will for everyone.” In this sense, Joshua’s journey mirrors our own. From the beginning to its end. From a fading dream through a perilous quest and on to its magnificent conclusion.
Keep your dream alive.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Publishing Schedule Update

Hi, it's Stefan. Just a brief update on what's happening. The kindle, nook and iBook versions of "The Three Feathers" should be ready by the end of the month of June 2012. Formatting is pretty much done. I just looked at the book on an iPad and it looks amazing. Waiting for some copy editing and the title page. The paperback and hard cover versions will come out roughly by September. Then the movie, of course, ideally with Peter Jackson as the director :-). How much fun would that be!!!!!!!! I will send out links once the books are 'live'. Stay in touch through this blog or via the "The Three Feathers" Facebook page.



What is to come...

Hi there, it's Joshua.
If you have read "The Three Feathers", you might ask yourself what's next. Is this the end or maybe just the beginning? A lot happened during my travels through Hollow's Gate but there was one moment in particular that has importance to the continuation of our journey together. As it is with some things in life, what we might judge as insignificant may just be the small pebble that falls into a still pond, its ripples reaching far across and all the way to the other side--unbeknownst to us. The same happened when my good friend Grey and I inadvertently activated the beacon--the ancient means of traveling between the worlds. We did not know this at the time but the ripple effect of it was enormous. A whole world on the other end of the galaxy began to awaken because of it. And as the pendulum swings from one tipping point to the next, this world arose from the ashes and began to blossom and grow and reach new heights within its civilization. Hundreds of years of splendor followed. But as the midpoint was crossed, the zenith passed and the value structure changed, the darkness slowly made its way into the mind of the people. Greed became normalcy. Friends became foes, neighbors enemies. And what was once "freedom for all" now changed into "power to a few".

Almost 1000 years after the beacon was activated, the people of Nibiru--the Sky People, as they were called in the indigenous language of my world--were lost. They could not find themselves anymore and they could not find each other. But as it was in my time, each civilization has a searcher, a 'dreamer of light', if you will, who stands at the very tipping point of the pendulum, either ending what has become a path of despair or beginning a new hope or in some cases both. There is one in particular I am thinking of. She does not know it yet but it is on her to restore hope to her people, to bring the human spirit back from the brink of an abyss that is about to swallow it whole and set chaos in its place. Her name is Aries. Don't be fooled by her age. Fourteen years is young to shoulder the fate of your world but as I have learned, age, size, or any handicaps and limitations you think you might possess, have no bearing on what you can do. None at all. She is on her journey as we speak. Once it is finished--or at least once the first part of her journey is over, you will be able to read about it. After all, she is The Fourth Sage and her people's only hope.

Peaceful travels,

Your friend,