He wandered the endless labyrinth for close to a day. Once in a while he heard the distant howling of the wolf. His heart broke for him and he let out his own rooster crows that echoed eerily through the dark corridors. If they ever reached the wolf he did not know it. In the end he just sank to the ground, exhausted and overwhelmed by the hopelessnes
s of it all. He looked at himself in the mirror, looked at his face, his eyes, his beak. He saw the colors of his tail feathers and the red coloring of his back and wings. He just sat there staring at himself in the mirror for a long time.
The thought came slowly as if approaching from deep inside. It was quiet at first and small. But it gained momentum and at one point Joshua became aware of it.
“There must be a way out.”
Faint still but persistent, the thought grew in strength, and as it grew in strength it grew in hope as well. And suddenly a second thought joined the first.
“We can’t die in here.”
And when this one began to reach his awareness he knew he had to find it in himself to get up.
“Get up.” He thought to himself.
“Get up!” He thought to his mirror image.
“Get UP!”
And then he could no longer dismiss it. He had but one choice—to follow it.
He stood up, let the wave of dizziness wash over him; let the fear and hopelessness take him and pass through him. And then he knew it. There was just no way he would let his friend die. He had to find a way out.
The thought came slowly as if approaching from deep inside. It was quiet at first and small. But it gained momentum and at one point Joshua became aware of it.
“There must be a way out.”
Faint still but persistent, the thought grew in strength, and as it grew in strength it grew in hope as well. And suddenly a second thought joined the first.
“We can’t die in here.”
And when this one began to reach his awareness he knew he had to find it in himself to get up.
“Get up.” He thought to himself.
“Get up!” He thought to his mirror image.
“Get UP!”
And then he could no longer dismiss it. He had but one choice—to follow it.
He stood up, let the wave of dizziness wash over him; let the fear and hopelessness take him and pass through him. And then he knew it. There was just no way he would let his friend die. He had to find a way out.
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